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MacPerl BBEdit Extensions
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BBEdit Extensions for MacPerl
by Brad Hanson (bhanson@avalon.net, BradH5@aol.com)
August 14, 1996
The package contains four BBEdit extensions that facilitate the use of BBEdit as
an external editor for MacPerl. MacPerl is a Macintosh port of the Perl
programming language by Matthias Neeracher. Information about MacPerl is
available at
The latest versions of these extensions will be available at
The four extensions included are: 1) Run MacPerl, 2) Run MacPerl Front, 3) Run
File with MacPerl, and 4) Edit MacPerl Script. These extensions are independent
of one another and any of them can be installed without the others. To install an
extension put it in the "BBEdit Extensions" folder that is in the same folder as
the BBEdit application. If BBEdit is running the extension will only appear in
the Extensions menu after BBEdit is quit and restarted. A command key can be
assigned to the BBEdit extension by using the "Set Keys" item in the BBEdit
Extensions menu.
These extensions are 68K BBEdit extensions and should work on a 68K or
PowerPC Macintosh with MacPerl 4 or 5, and BBEdit (version 3.5 or later) or
BBEdit Lite (version 3.0.1 or later). The extensions require Macintosh system
software version 7.0 or later. These extensions are freeware. If you have
any questions or comments, or would like a copy of the source code, please let me
know. I thank Matthias Neeracher for his assistance in the design of the
Run File with MacPerl and Edit MacPerl Script extensions.
Descriptions of each of the four extensions are given below.
Run MacPerl
This extension sends the text in the active BBEdit window to MacPerl to be
executed as a Perl script. If a Perl script executed by the extension writes
output to STDOUT or STDERR then a new BBEdit window is created and the output is
put into the new window after the script is finished executing (any STDERR text
is first followed by the STDOUT text). MacPerl must be running before the
extension is executed, otherwise an alert is displayed. Typing the command and
period keys together will terminate the extension, although the Perl script
started by the extension will still be running.
A limitation of the extension is that any MacPerl specific functions contained in
a Perl script that put up a dialog (such as MacPerl::Choose or MacPerl::Ask) will
not function properly. This is because BBEdit is the active application when the
extension is run and the MacPerl functions that put up a dialog expect MacPerl to
be the active application. Another limitation is that the extension will not work
with scripts that use STDIN. The Run MacPerl Front extension described below can
be used to run scripts containing MacPerl commands that put up a dialog or use
Run MacPerl Front
When this extension is run MacPerl is brought to the front, and the contents
of the active BBEdit window are sent to MacPerl to be executed as though
run using the Run Script command in MacPerl (e.g., STDOUT is sent to the MacPerl
STDOUT window rather than to a new BBEdit window). This extension can be used to
run any script that can be run directly with MacPerl, whereas there are some
scripts (e.g., those that use STDIN) that will not work with the Run MacPerl
extension described above.
One small problem is that after the extension is run and BBEdit is switched
to the background the front BBEdit window is not fully deactivated (e.g.,
the scroll bars will appear active and the insertion point will still blink).
This appears to be a cosmetic problem - BBEdit will continue to operate
normally when it is brought back to the front.
Run File with MacPerl
When this extension is executed a standard file dialog is displayed to select
a file to be sent to MacPerl to be executed as a Perl script. The extension
functions identically to the "Run MacPerl" extension with the exception that
the Perl script to be executed is contained in a file selected from a
standard file dialog rather than the active BBEdit window.
Edit MacPerl Script
When this extension is executed a standard file dialog is displayed to select a
file to be edited in BBEdit. This extension is useful for editing Perl scripts
in file types that cannot be edited normally by BBEdit (runtimes, droplets,
etc.), although the extension can also be used to edit normal text files. This
extension requires MacPerl 5.1.0r2 or later.
After the extension is executed, and a file selected from the standard file
dialog, the Perl script contained in the file will be displayed in a new BBEdit
window. To save changes made to the text in the BBEdit window MacPerl needs to be
given a command to update the file. In BBEdit versions 4.0 and later the update
command is given automatically when the file is saved. This extension is most
useful if used with version 4.0 or later of BBEdit, although it can be used with
BBEdit version 3.5 and BBEdit Lite version 3.0.1 or later.
In BBEdit version 3.5 and BBEdit Lite the update command must be given by
switching to MacPerl and selecting Update from the BBEdit menu (the BBEdit menu
will be present if Internet Config version 1.2 is installed and BBEdit has been
chosen as the editor helper application). If the BBEdit window is saved and
closed without telling MacPerl to update it, the original file will not be
updated. If a window is closed without updating, the original file can still be
updated by choosing Update… from the BBEdit menu in MacPerl. The original file
should appear in the list of files that can be updated.
A useful tip for using MacPerl with BBEdit that it is possible to use ResEdit to
modify the MacPerl application so that the files created by a Perl script will
have BBEdit as the creator (rather than MPW). Open the MacPerl application with
ResEdit and open the resource of type GU∑I (there should be one resource of this
type). The field named "Creator of created files" contains a four character
application signature. Change the text of this field to R*ch (the application
signature of BBEdit) and save the modified MacPerl application.
With the Run MacPerl and Run MacPerl Front extensions the syntax of a script
can be checked by putting "#!perl -c" (without the quotes) as the first line
of the script. To run the script remove the "-c" from the first line.
Of related interest is the BBEdit Script Extension for MacPerl written by
Matthias Neeracher. This allows Perl scripts to be saved as BBEdit extensions by
MacPerl. There is a Perl interface to BBEdit that allows MacPerl scripts saved as
BBEdit extensions to use BBEdit extension callbacks. Unfortunately, the last time
I checked (using the 07Feb96 version of the BBEdit Script Extension with MacPerl
5.0.6) the BBEdit extension callbacks did not work on 68000 Macintoshes (they do
work on PowerPC Macintoshes). The BBEdit Script Extension for MacPerl is
available from
Version History of Run MacPerl
July 14, 1996 - Version 1.0.2
- Routine descriptors are disposed of (this should have no effect
on the current 68K extension).
July 7, 1996 - Version 1.0.1
- Minor changes to allow the source code to be shared with other
extensions. The extension should function identically to Version 1.0.
- Changed name from Run Perl Script to Run MacPerl.
April 15, 1996 - Version 1.0
- Pressing command-period will stop the extension.
- Added alerts for more informative error messages.
- Added version resource.
January, 1996 - Version 0 (actually no version number)
I submitted this initial version to the MacPerl mailing list.
Version History of Run MacPerl Front
July 14, 1996 - Version 1.0.2
- The switch to MacPerl is now done as the last step if no errors
have occurred. Routine descriptors are disposed of (this should
have no effect on the current 68K extension). Should function
identically to Version 1.0.
July 10, 1996 - Version 1.0.1
- Exactly the same as Version 1.0 except for the version number.
I created this by mistake and sent it to a few people.
July 10, 1996 - Version 1.0
- Initial version. Distributed to MacPerl mailing list.
Version History of Run File from MacPerl
July 14, 1996 - Version 1.0.1
- Routine descriptors are disposed of (this should have no effect
on the current 68K extension).
July 7, 1996 - Version 1.0
- Initial version.
Version History of Edit MacPerl Script
July 14, 1996 - Version 1.0.1
- Routine descriptors are disposed of (this should have no effect
on the current 68K extension).
July 7, 1996 - Version 1.0
- Initial version.